Gran Colombia Club

I am retired after I had to stop working early due to cancer. I was sick for over 3 years and was bedridden for 2 of those years. I am now in remission and healthy, but it took me a few years to recover. I was unable to work while sick so my career was cut short. I am now so far removed from my previous work I am unable to return. To recover from my finances I decided to go to South America. I have been making amateur videos for YouTube since 2016 about my travels here and the life I live. I have also expanded to podcasting, blogging, and personal opinion channels.

Along the way, we have used the platform to assist in various causes such as helping Venezuelan refugees to settle in and to assist in getting street kids off the street and back in school. As you scan through the current videos you will find these issues. For more info, feel free to contact me.

We have built a community that assists others in looking for real information about visiting or living in another country. Feel free to join us, and subscribe to a member level. You can also set up one on one Skype calls, or even make one-time donations. No matter the level you choose to support this, it is all appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to investigate.

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