Welcome to the online payment portal for 2024/2025 season membership fees.
Llanharan Sports Holdings Ltd is operated, maintained and improved with the membership fees we collect from our members every year. This year we have opted to provide an online system to ensure we provide a more up to date and flexible service to our members.
You can select the membership package applicable to you or your family and pay using your credit and debit card through this system. Please note that the system is set up as a subscription and will take one yearly payment so you only have to complete this process once. You can cancel this subscription at any time by contacting the membership secretary.
All players (and at least 1 adult from Dairy Tots to U16's) MUST be full members in order to play for the club.
Loyalty cards priced at £10 are also available. Please ask at the bar or contact llanharansportsholdings@outlook.com once your membership and been paid.
Thanks for your continued support.